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Cricket World Cup

The CEO of West Indies Cricket stated that the reason for the weakness of the team is the ICC

The CEO of West Indies Cricket stated that the reason for the weakness of the team is the ICC. West Indies Cricket Chief Executive Jonny Grew lashed out at World Cricket including the International Cricket Council (ICC).

Jonny Grieve blamed the ICC and other countries for West Indies’ weakness.

Speaking in a podcast, he alleged that everyone wants West Indies not to be strong again, but the world of cricket needs a strong West Indies.

Jonny Grieve said that ICC’s financial model is not working, West Indies’ revenue has been further reduced, it is now 7 to 5%, and the whole thing is disappointing.

He further said that if you want to see a strong West Indies, it is not a difficult task, ICC is giving more revenue in headlines but it has been reduced from 7 to 5 percent.

The CEO asked that we are finding it difficult to understand this situation, if we see this, are we a community and are we doing better to create the best product?

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